How to Treat a Sunburn
Original image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay.
Move to a shaded or indoor location.
Already-burned skin can still continue to burn if exposure to the sun continues.
Take a cool shower.
Avoid extreme hot or cold showers. Adjust the shower head to reduce water pressure.
Submerge yourself in an oatmeal bath.
Place cool, damp cloths over the burn.
Replace damp cloths as they absorb heat.
Apply aloe vera.
Rub your skin liberally with aloe vera gel.
Place wet, caffeinated teabags on the burn area.
Tannins contained in tea cool and soothe skin.
Stay hydrated.
Drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol.
Wear loose-fitting clothing.
Cotton or linen is best.
Take anti-inflammatory medication.
Ibuprofen will help ease the pain.
Stay out of the sun.
Occupy yourself with indoor activities.
Be Aware
Never apply ice to a sunburn as it can further damage skin cells.
Do not use petroleum jelly as it holds in heat.
Check your medication warnings. Many medications are heightened by sun exposure.
Always use a high SPF, even on cloudy days.