How to De-Escalate a Confrontation with a Counterprotestor
Original image by Sushil Nash on Unsplash.
1. Ignore angry words.
These mean nothing, and trying to process them will only provoke your own emotional response. The best thing you can do is remain calm and focussed on your goal—to show solidarity with your cause and make change happen.
2. Trust your instincts, and understand the power dynamic that exists.
Counterprotestors have no power to make the change you are seeking—keep your words and emotions focussed on those who can and to whom you wish to deliver the message.
3. If you feel compelled to engage, assess the individual’s emotional data fields in the moment.
You may sense anger, hostility, fear, pride, and many other feelings at once.
4. Reflect the individual’s emotions with “you” statements.
5. Monitor verbal and visual cues.
Wait until the individual nods his or her head affirmatively, utters an affirmative response such as “yes” or “I agree” or “exactly,” drops his or her shoulders, or sighs. These are unconscious indicators that the protestor’s emotional centers have quieted down and a productive dialogue may be possible.