How to Conceal Wedding Day Blemishes
Original photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels.
Make two cold compresses.
Place a handful of ice in a plastic bag. Wrap the bag in a cloth napkin or other fabric. Repeat for the other eye.
Sit up straight.
Keep your head elevated above your heart—do not lie down before applying the compresses.
Apply compresses.
Hold the compresses on the eyes for 10 minutes.
Check under the eyes.
If the bags remain, continue to step 5.
Steep two tea bags in warm (not boiling) water for 2 minutes.
Black tea is most effective, but any variety of non-herbal tea will suffice. Tannic acid, which reduces swelling, is not present in herbal teas.
Place the tea bags in ice water to cool.
Apply tea bags to eyes.
Squeeze out the excess liquid, then place and hold one tea bag over each closed eye for 5 to 10 minutes.
Check under the eyes.
The bags should be noticeably smaller or have disappeared altogether. Clean off any liquid and apply a layer of under-eye concealer one shade lighter than your foundation if the lids are recessed, and one shade darker than your foundation if they are puffy.
Be Aware
Hemorrhoid ointment may be used to reduce swelling and tighten skin under the eyes. Apply carefully to the affected area and allow to remain for 5 to 10 minutes. Wash your face thoroughly, keeping your eyes closed. Note that hemorrhoid ointment may contain fish oils, which leave a displeasing odor.
Apply a warm compress.
Soak a hand towel, handkerchief, or cloth napkin in hot water, then hold it against the pimple for at least 1 minute.
Check the pimple. If it has a small white area at the center, it has come to a head: It may be popped to relieve pressure and lessen swelling. If there is no visible head, go to step 4.
Pop the pimple.
Place your fingers on either side and gently pull away from the pimple. Do not push inward. The pimple will expel its contents if it is ready, but no harm will be done if it is not.
Apply cover-up makeup.
Dab the pimple gently with a tissue to remove any remaining liquid. Apply a cosmetic with a slight green tint to conceal the pimple or the red mark. Red and green are complementary colors and will negate each other, making the pimple less visible.
Apply ice.
If the rash is itchy, place ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a napkin, and place the bag on the rash. Wait 10 to 15 minutes. The compress will cool any hot patches of skin, numb the area, and reduce any visible swelling.
If redness and itchiness persist, apply 5 to 10 drops of redness-relieving eye drops to the affected area.
Spread evenly on the rash with a napkin. The redness should temporarily fade or disappear.
If any redness remains, apply a small amount of light green, matte eye shadow to the rash. The green will offset the red and make the rash less visible.
Depending on the area where the rash is located, it can be strategically covered with short or long dress gloves, a scarf or ascot, hosiery, two strands of pearls, or decorative jewelry glued to the skin.